(A) The Town Council shall appoint the members of the CEB and legal counsel for the CEB. The CEB shall consist of five members and two alternate members. Members of the CEB shall be residents of the town. Appointments shall be made in accordance with applicable law and ordinances on the basis of experience or interest in the subject matter jurisdiction of the CEB in the sole discretion of the Town Council. The membership of the CEB shall, whenever possible, include an architect, a businessperson, an engineer, a general contractor, a subcontractor, and a realtor.
(B) The initial appointments of the CEB members shall be as follows:
(1) One member appointed for a term of one year.
(2) Two members appointed for a term of two years each.
(3) Two members appointed for a term of three years each.
(C) Alternates shall serve for a term of three years, until they resign, or until they are removed or replaced by the Town Council, whichever comes first.
(D) Thereafter, all appointments to the CEB shall be made for a term of three years.
(E) A member may be reappointed upon approval of the Town Council. An appointment to fill any vacancy on the CEB shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office. If any member fails to attend two of three successive meetings without cause and without prior approval of the chair, the CEB shall declare the member's office vacant, and the Town Council shall promptly fill such vacancy.
(F) The CEB members shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Council and may be suspended and removed by the Town Council for cause. For the purposes of this section, the cause shall be as determined by the Town Council in their sole discretion. Alternate members shall act only when a regular CEB member is absent, under a disability, or disqualified from the proceedings. When an alternate CEB member is needed, the Board shall request the service of the alternates in alphabetical order until a qualifying and available alternate is found. A sitting alternate shall be counted towards a quorum.
(G) The members of the CEB shall elect a chair, who shall be a voting member, from among the members of the Board. The presence of three or more members shall constitute a quorum of the five-member CEB. Members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for such travel, mileage, and per diem expenses as may be authorized by the Town Council or as are otherwise provided by law. The chair shall control the proceedings.