(A)   Each full-time police officer shall be entitled to a uniform allowance of $450 payable annually during the fiscal year of July 1 through June 30 of each year. Each part-time police officer shall be entitled to $0.25 for each hour worked during the previous fiscal year as a uniform allowance.
   (B)   Each full-time and part-time police officer of the village shall be required to complete a requisition form for items to be purchased, and submit the form to the Village Clerk, who shall, in turn, deliver the requisition form to the chairperson of the police committee.
   (C)   The police committee shall act upon the requisition of the police officer at its next regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting, whichever occurs first, and shall approve or disapprove each item listed in the requisition, and return the form to the Village Clerk. In the event of an emergency, the chairperson of the police committee shall have the authority to act upon the requisition.
   (D)   The Village Clerk shall thereafter notify the police officer of the action of the police committee and advise said officer of the items approved for purchase.
   (E)   Any hardware, such as guns, badges, billy clubs, or the like, purchased by a police officer with village funds, shall remain the property of the village, and any such police officer who may resign from time to time from the village police force shall, within 48 hours of termination of employment with the village, turn in all such items to the chairperson of the police committee or the Mayor.
   (F)   Any police officer may return all items of clothing, which shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, shoes, boots, belts, shirts, trousers, jackets, neckties, and the like, to the village upon termination of employment with the village; or the officer may retain all such items by paying to the village a prorated amount which shall be determined by the fractional proportion of the termination date of employment to the balance of the fiscal year.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-3) (Ord. 607, passed 1-6-2003)