(A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions applies unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ESSENTIAL SERVICE. Includes the erection, construction, alteration, or maintenance, by public agencies of underground or overhead gas, electrical, steam, or water transmission or distribution systems, collection, communication, supply, or disposal systems, elevated and underground water storage tanks, including poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, and other similar equipment and accessories in connection therewith, reasonably necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by such public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies or for the public health or safety or general welfare.
   (B)   Restrictions not imposed. Nothing contained in these regulations shall impose restrictions for the provision of essential services by a public utility (as defined in the state statutes).
(Prior Code, § 10-4-10) (Ord. passed 4-19-1999)