(A)   General requirements. After the Board of Trustees has approved the preliminary plat, but prior to submission of the final plat, the subdivider shall furnish four copies of the plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed within or in conjunction with the proposed subdivision to the Village Clerk for review by the Municipal Engineer. These plans and specifications shall be signed and sealed by the registered professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Until the Municipal Engineer certifies in writing that the proposed improvements conform to generally accepted engineering practices and to the standards imposed in this chapter:
      (1)   The administrator shall not issue any building permit to allow construction of said improvements; and
      (2)   The Board of Trustees shall not act upon the application for final plat approval.
   (B)   Information required. Improvement plans shall consist of black or blue line prints not larger than 36 inches square. These plans and the related specifications shall provide all of the following information:
      (1)   Topography of the tract, both before and after development at the same scale as required in the preliminary plat;
      (2)   Existing and proposed elevations along the centerlines of all streets;
      (3)   Radii of all curves and lengths of tangents on all streets;
      (4)   Locations and typical cross-section of street pavements, including curbs/gutters and catch basins;
      (5)   Locations and typical cross-section of sidewalks and driveway aprons;
      (6)   Locations, sizes, and invert elevations of all existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and fire hydrants, showing connections to any existing or proposed utility systems;
      (7)   Locations and sizes of all water, gas, electric, and other utilities;
      (8)   Locations of street lighting standards and street signs;
      (9)   All proposed measures to control erosion and sedimentation;
      (10)   High water elevations of all lakes/streams adjoining or within the tract; and
      (11)   Such other information as the Municipal Engineer may reasonably require to perform his or her duties under this section.
   (C)   Inspections required. The subdivider/developer shall notify the administrator and the Municipal Engineer of both the start and completion of construction of approved improvements.
      (1)   (a)   The Municipal Engineer shall inspect said improvements while they are under construction.
         (b)   If he or she determines that they are being built in violation of this chapter, he or she shall promptly notify the administrator who, in turn, shall issue a stop order.
      (2)   The Municipal Engineer shall also inspect approved improvements upon their completion. The village shall not accept any completed improvement until the Municipal Engineer has certified that it complies with this chapter.
   (D)   Filing as-built records. Upon the completion of approved improvements, the subdivider/developer shall file with the administrator a set of reproducible cloth or polyester base film positives showing the as built details and any deviations from the approved plans.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-2) (Ord. 731, passed 7-1-2013)