All new streets shall be graded, curbed, and surfaced in accordance with the standards of the State Department of Transportation and the following provisions.
   (A)   Curb and gutter. All streets shall be bounded by integral concrete curb and gutter in conformity with the specifications set out above; provided, that this requirement may be waived in the case of marginal access streets with adequate shoulders.
   (B)   Pavement. All streets and alleys shall be paved as indicated below; provided, that equivalents to the following standards may be approved by the Municipal Engineer depending on engineering and traffic volume considerations:
      (1)   Alleys, marginal access, local, and local collector:
         (a)   Six inches of concrete; or
         (b)   Two inches of Class “I” Type “B” mix on eight inches of compacted stone or on six inches of stabilized base.
      (2)   Collector (residential):
         (a)   Six inches of concrete; or
         (b)   Six inches of BAM overlaid with two inches of Class “I” Type “C” mix.
      (3)   Collectors (nonresidential) and arterials:
         (a)   Eight inches of reinforced concrete; or
         (b)   Asphaltic concrete construction meeting Department of Transportation specifications.
(Prior Code, § 11-3-6) (Ord. 731, passed 7-1-2013) Penalty, see § 154.99