The Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To prepare and recommend to the Board of Trustees a comprehensive plan of public improvements looking to the present and future improvements of the village. Such plan, after adoption by the Board of Trustees, shall be known as the “Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Brighton.” Such plan shall include reasonable requirements in reference to streets, alleys, and public grounds within the corporate limits and in contiguous territory outside of and distant not more than one and one-half miles from such limits and not included in any municipality. Such requirements shall be effective whenever such lands shall be subdivided after adoption of such plan;
   (B)   To recommend from time to time changes in any comprehensive plan adopted by the Board of Trustees;
   (C)   To prepare and recommend to the Board of Trustees from time to time plans and specific improvements in pursuance of such comprehensive plan;
   (D)   To give aid to the officials of the village charged with the direction of improvements embraced within the comprehensive plan and to further the making of such comprehensive plan;
   (E)   To arrange and conduct any form of publicity relative to its activities for the general purposes of public understanding;
   (F)   To hold public hearings on applications for amendments to the zoning regulations. The Commission shall not have the authority to make changes or amendments to the zoning regulations; it shall act in a purely advisory manner to the Village Board, making its recommendations in all cases referred to it and transmitting them to the Board for final action; and
   (G)   To exercise such other powers as may be provided by statute or ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 2-2-6) (Ord. 737, passed 8-5-2013)