§ 30.05 DUTIES.
   (A)   Mayor.
      (1)   The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the village and shall perform such duties as may be required of such official by ordinance or statute.
      (2)   The Mayor, as chief executive officer of the village, shall engage in the performance of his or her official duties on behalf of the village at least ten hours per week.
      (3)   Said duties shall be performed in the designated office of the Mayor at the Village Municipal Building.
   (B)   Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be the legislative branch of the village government and shall perform such duties and have such powers as may be authorized by 65 ILCS 5/3.1-45-15.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-5) (Res. R01-2020, passed 10-8-2020)