(A)   If a candidate fails to file a campaign finance statement before the municipal general election before the deadline, the City Recorder shall, after making a reasonable attempt to discover if the report was timely mailed, inform the appropriate election officials who:
      (1)   Shall, if practicable, remove the name of the candidate by blacking out the candidate’s name before the ballots are delivered to voters;
      (2)   Shall, if removing the candidate’s name from the ballot is not practicable, inform the voters by any practical method that the candidate has been disqualified and that votes cast for the candidate will not be counted; and
      (3)   May not count any votes for that candidate.
   (B)   A candidate who files a campaign finance statement seven days before a municipal general election is not disqualified if:
      (1)   The statement details accurately and completely the information required, except for inadvertent omissions or insignificant errors or inaccuracies; and
      (2)   The omissions, errors or inaccuracies are corrected in an amended report or in the next scheduled report.
(Prior Code, § 9.02.060) (Ord. 03-33, passed 8-26-2003)