(A)   Compliance with city ordinances. All transient lodging facilities in the city shall comply with all applicable codes and ordinances, including all building codes as stated in City Code Title 5 and fire codes as stated in U.C.A. Title 11, and Utah Administrative Code, Rule R392-502. An owner or operator shall keep the premises of the transient lodging facility sanitary and shall provide every practical facility essential for that purpose.
   (B)   Unlawful. It shall be unlawful to rent or to offer to rent any room that violates or fails to satisfy any of the foregoing requirements.
   (C)   Illegal activity.
      (1)   No owner, operator or property manager shall knowingly allow, permit or fail to discover the occurrence of any illegal act in any room or on the premises under such circumstances in which a reasonable person, exercising ordinary care and diligence, would surmise that such activity is occurring.
      (2)   The failure to set forth the true identity of and correct hours of occupancy by any guest shall be deemed to show knowledge on the part of the owner, operator or property manager of such illegal purpose or use.
   (D)   Public health nuisance. A transient lodging facility that does not conform to this subchapter is a public health nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 14.16.030) (Ord. 20-20, passed 11-5-2020) Penalty, see § 114.999