It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association as owner, lessee or agent thereof, to keep, conduct, operate or maintain for rent or lease any single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, mobile home or apartment house within the city, or cause or permit the same to be done, unless said person, firm, corporation, association or partnership holds a current, unrevoked business license under this subchapter. A license may be required in accordance with U.C.A. § 10-8-85.5, or its successor law. Licenses shall be good for 365 days from the day of issuance. Said licenses are not transferrable between parties or structures and parties holding such licenses shall give notice in writing within 48 hours to the Department after having transferred or otherwise disposed of the legal or equitable control of any premises licensed under these provisions. Such notice of transferred interest shall be deemed a request to cancel the business license and shall include the name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) regarding parties succeeding to the ownership or control of the premises.
(Prior Code, § 14.15.020) Penalty, see § 114.999