(A)   (1)   The license fee for all businesses shall be set by resolution of the City Council. These fees may be changed from time to time as determined by resolution of the City Council. Applicants for all such licenses shall pay license fees as otherwise fixed in this business regulation title.
      (2)   In addition to the other penalties specified in this business regulation title, in the event that a business has operated without a license, it shall pay fees and penalties equal to the fees and penalties that would have been assessed for that period of time for which the business operated prior to obtaining a business license.
      (3)   By way of illustration, if a business has operated for one year or portions of a year prior to obtaining a business license, the business shall pay the license fee for that period of time in which the license application is made, and shall also pay the appropriate fee for the year for the time prior to that in which the license is obtained.
(Prior Code, § 14.02.080)
   (B)   All license fees shall be paid in advance in legal tender of the United States at the office of the Department.
(Prior Code, § 14.02.100)
(Ord. 02-10, passed 3-2-2002)