Public comment may be listed on the agenda of the City Council and may be limited to residents of the city. The public comment portion of the meeting shall be limited to the public speaking to the Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. Members of the public shall be free to express any idea, question or viewpoint without limitation, except for time and the manner of the presentation. Individual members of the public shall be limited to three minutes’ time. The Chair of the meeting shall ensure that the public comment is civil and orderly. Personal attacks made publicly toward any person or city employee are not allowed. Speakers are encouraged to bring their complaints regarding employee performance through the supervisory chain of command in accordance with the city’s personnel policies. The Chair shall use his or her best efforts to allow the free expression of the public and keep the meeting in order. Council members should not interrupt, argue with or otherwise interfere with any comment by a member of the public. The Mayor and City Council may ask clarifying questions of the member of the public making a presentation and other members of the public may ask clarifying questions of the presenter at the discretion of the Chair.
(Prior Code, § 2.03.040) (Ord. 11-32, passed 12-1-2011)