For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CAMP or CAMPING. To do any of the following:
      (1)   Sleep or establish oneself at any time during the day or night in any of the following:
         (a)   Outdoors, with or without bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock or other similar protection, equipment or device; or
         (b)   In, on or under any structure or thing not intended for human occupancy, whether with or without bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock or other similar protection equipment or device.
      (2)   Establish or maintain, outdoors or in, on or under any structure, object or thing not intended for human occupancy, at any time during day or night, a temporary or permanent place for sleeping by setting up any bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock or other sleeping equipment or device in such a manner as to be used for sleeping purposes, or by setting up any cooking equipment, with intent to remain at that location overnight.
   CAMPING PARAPHERNALIA. Includes, but not limited to, bedrolls, blankets, tarpaulins, cots, beds, mattresses, pads, sleeping bags, hammocks, lanterns, stoves or non-city designated cooking facilities and similar equipment.
   CAMPSITE. Any place where bedding, sleeping bag, or other material used for bedding purposes, or any stove or fire is placed, established or maintained for the purpose of maintaining a place to dwell or sleep, whether or not such place incorporates the use of any bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock or other sleeping equipment, lean-to, shack or any other structure, or any vehicle or part thereof.
   ESTABLISHMENT. Setting up or moving equipment, supplies or materials onto public property for the purpose of camping or operating or using camping facilities.
      (1)   Any use of camping paraphernalia and/or a campsite establishment. Evidence of HUMAN HABITATION shall include activities such as sleeping, setting up housekeeping or cooking among camping paraphernalia, and/or any other similar activity where it reasonably appears, in light of all the circumstances, that a person or persons is using the area as a living accommodation and not for any recreational purposes.
      (2)   The use of a camping paraphernalia on private property for non-recreational purposes and without permission from the landowner shall per se constitute HUMAN HABITATION for purposes of this subchapter. Private property owners and permitted guests using camping paraphernalia on private property for recreational purposes does not constitute HUMAN HABITATION.
   MAINTAIN. Keeping or permitting self, equipment, supplies or materials to remain on public property in order to camp or operate or use camping facilities.
   OPERATE or OPERATING. Participating or assisting in establishing or maintaining a camp or camping facility.
   PERSONAL PROPERTY. Any tangible items reasonably recognizable as belonging to a person and having apparent utility or monetary value.
   PUBLIC PROPERTY. All publicly-owned property including, but not limited to, public streets, sidewalks, alleys, rights-of-way, creeks, waterways, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, plazas, open spaces, lots, parcels and other forms of improved or unimproved land or real property.
   REASONABLE NOTICE. Notice reasonably calculated under all the circumstances to appraise a person that camping is prohibited at a particular location and, where personal property is deposited, affording the person time to gather his, her or their personal property and depart to an available shelter within a reasonable distance.
(Prior Code, § 16.04.020) (Ord. 19-02, passed 1-20-2019)