§ 30.023 MAYOR PRO TEM.
   In case of the temporary absence of the Mayor from the city, or in case of his or her temporary inability to perform the duties of his or her office, the Council may elect a member of the Council as Mayor Pro Tem to preside at Council meetings and perform the duties and functions of Mayor. The City Recorder shall enter in the minutes of the Council meeting the election of a Council member as Mayor Pro Tem. During such time that such Council member is acting in the capacity of Mayor Pro Tem, he or she shall have the power to exercise all the functions and duties of the Mayor. When the Mayor Pro Tem is presiding, his or her right to vote on all questions is not thereby impaired, but he or she shall have the same right to vote as a Council member as he or she would were he or she not presiding.
(Prior Code, § 2.02.090)