§ 156.135 PURPOSE.
   (A)   General Commercial (GC) Zone. The purpose of this zone is to establish a district for a combination of commercial, office, entertainment, retail, and service businesses and activities. The zone is designed to allow a range of businesses with access from major streets. This zone is distinguished from the Central Business District by the accommodation of uses that may generate a lower level of pedestrian activity. A high level of quality is required in project design.
   (B)   Central Business District (CDB) Zone. The purpose of this zone is to establish a district for retail, entertainment, service and heritage related businesses and activities that are intended to cultivate a high level of pedestrian activity, and encourage both daytime and nighttime consumer activity. This zone is also intended to protect the unique nature of the city’s downtown area. Regulations of this zone are designed to provide a suitable environment for those commercial and service uses which are vital to economic life, with an emphasis on retail, service, entertainment and heritage enterprises. A high degree of quality is required in project design. Compatibility of new construction with existing architecture is required.
(Prior Code, § 29.13.010) (Ord. 09-03, passed 2-19-2009)