§ 91.082 LIBRARY FUND.
   (A)   Accounting for the Library Fund.
      (1)   All funds that are in any manner received for the library shall be deposited in an account maintained by the city, in accordance with state law, said funds shall be used for the sole purpose of the library.
      (2)   The expenditure of money for the benefit of the library shall be made in accordance with city’s procurement policy regardless of the source of the money.
(Prior Code, § 18.03.010)
   (B)   Annual library budget and Library Fund responsibilities of the Library Board of Trustees. The Library Board shall:
      (1)   Work with the Library Director each fiscal year to plan a budget. This budget plan shall advise the Mayor of upcoming library needs and budget recommendations for the use of money from the Library Fund, including donated funds, during the upcoming fiscal year. These recommendations shall be submitted to the Mayor for consideration and approval by the City Council;
      (2)   Authorize the Library Director to endorse expenditures within amounts designated in the budget through the city’s approval process for expenditures being paid from the Library Fund;
      (3)   Review such expenditures after the Library Director and the city’s Finance Director have approved said expenditures;
      (4)   Make recommendations for the approval of the construction, lease or sale of library buildings and land for the benefit of the library, subject to final approval of the City Council;
      (5)   Maintain and care for the library consistent with the city’s policies and procedures on facilities; and
      (6)   Make recommendations for the approval of the purchase, lease or sale of library land and/or buildings, for the benefit of the library, subject to final approval by the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 18.03.020)