§ 52.027 SEWER BILLS.
   (A)   (1)   All bills for sewer service shall be rendered monthly at established rates on the same bill with the electrical and water bill. Each bill shall show separately the amount of the sewer service charges, but the total thereof shall be considered one charge for the combined use of water, electricity and the services of the sewer system. The portion of the bill rendered for water service cannot be paid separately from the other portions.
      (2)   All charges for sewer service furnished by the city shall be billed to the user on any day of the month following a one-month period of service to the user and payment shall be due and payable 20 days after such date of billing.
   (B)   For purposes of determining the occupancy of residences and/or apartment, it shall be prima facie proof that a residence or apartment is occupied whenever electricity is furnished to the unit of occupancy.
   (C)   The charges for sewer service shall be billed to the person or entity to whom the electrical bill for the unit of occupancy is chargeable.
(Prior Code, § 22.01.270) (Ord. 22-17, passed 8-18-2022)