(A)   (1)   The owners of lots or relatives of deceased persons buried in the city cemetery are hereby required to place headboards or markers at the heads of graves at the time of burial, with the name of the deceased plainly inscribed thereon.
      (2)   All markers shall be of a suitable material and be erected according to regulations of the cemetery.
      (3)   Temporary markers shall be allowed for only a period of six months (unless an extension is granted by the sexton) at which time they shall be replaced with a permanent headstone.
   (B)   The city and its employees shall have no liability for any damage to any headboards or markers, except such as may occur as a direct result of maintenance of other activities by city employees.
   (C)   Prior to the installation of any headboard or marker, the sexton shall collect the established fees, which fees shall be paid into the Perpetual Care Fund and shall be in addition to any other fees set forth in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 8.01.110)