(A)   No recreational coach as herein defined shall be located, placed, used or occupied for residential purposes in any district, except within approved and licensed recreational coach parks and except as otherwise provided herein.
   (B)   Recreational coach parks shall be generally located:
      (1)   Adjacent to or in close proximity to a major traffic artery or highway;
      (2)   Near adequate shopping facilities; and
      (3)   Within or adjacent to a mobile home park.
   (C)   No individual space in a recreational coach park shall be used by one individual coach for more than 180 consecutive days, nor shall such space be rented or leased to any one individual for a period longer than 180 days, except under the following circumstances and conditions.
      (1)   Recreational coach parks may reserve one space for every 15 spaces in the park for park resident employees who provide on-site maintenance, security and operations functions.
      (2)   (a)   Spaces may be used for long term, temporary (over 180 days, but not permanent) housing of transient employee(s) only (such as U.S. Forest Service temporary and term employees, long term temporary or transient construction project or infrastructure workers and the like); provided, the employer provides a letter to the recreational coach park stating that the recreational vehicle is not being used for permanent housing, explains the circumstances that make the need for long term temporary housing necessary, and provide a projected end date for the space lease not to exceed 12 consecutive months with the option of renewal with a new letter from the employer. Long-term use will be limited to one-third of the spaces available in the recreational coach park.
         (b)   For the purpose of this subchapter, transient employee(s) shall mean a person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in how the work is to be performed. Employer shall mean one who employs the services of others; one for whom employees work and who pays their wages or salaries.
      (3)   Recreational vehicles occupying space in a recreational coach park on a long-term, temporary (over 180 days but not permanent) basis must be owner occupied, have proof of ownership of the recreational coach, and must have current license and registration and must be operable for vehicular travel.
   (D)   Recreational coaches may be stored, but not used for permanent living quarters.
   (E)   Recreational coaches may be stored, displayed, sold and serviced, but not used for living quarters, in a sales lot in a commercial or manufacturing district when such use is a permitted or a conditional use.
   (F)   Recreational coaches may be accommodated in an approved and licensed mobile home park; provided that:
      (1)   The recreational coach park portion of the development is separated by barriers, screens or otherwise from the area of mobile homes;
      (2)   The recreational coach use area shall have direct access to a collector or arterial street; and
      (3)   Separate ingress and egress shall be provided for recreational coaches when required by the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 29.37.020) (Ord. 07-13, passed 7-19-2007; Ord. 29.37, passed 6-7-2018)