§ 90.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any violation of the provisions of this chapter, either by failing to do those acts required herein or by doing any act prohibited herein, shall be considered a Class C misdemeanor unless otherwise specifically stated in this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 4.08.030)
   (B)   Any incident relating to animals attacking persons or livestock, where such incident is not reported within 24 hours, constitutes a civil dispute. Neither the city, nor its employees, shall become involved in civil disputes arising between persons because of damages caused by animals. Should any civil dispute arise from a violation of this chapter, and if the Animal Control Officer responds, the limit of the city’s responsibility is to provide testimony by order of a subpoena as to what was personally observed by such officer, and make public records available. Any settlement or claims for damages are strictly a civil matter and must be pursued by the damaged party.
(Prior Code, § 4.08.040)
(Ord. 02-25, passed 8-15-2002)