(A)   Access to required off-street parking spaces shall be from a private driveway and not from a public street and shall not be designed to require vehicles to back onto a street, except:
      (1)   Single-family; and
      (2)   Two-family, three-family and four-family dwellings, with site specific approval by the City Engineer and City Public Works Director. Such approval shall take into consideration the following:
         (a)   The uniform application of public works standards and specifications;
         (b)   The design of the driveways, including spacing between driveways, shared or separated drive approaches, landscaping and street function for garbage and recycle collection, snow removal and the like;
         (c)   The street classification shall be a minor or standard residential street. Collector or arterial streets are not considered;
         (d)   Curb and waterways installed along the street shall continue through private driveways and guest parking approach;
         (e)   Any off-street parking (private driveways and guest parking spaces) must be at 21 feet in length behind the property/public right-of-way line as not to obstruct the sidewalk;
         (f)   Consideration for guest parking;
         (g)   Private driveways shall lead to a garage servicing residential dwelling units and shall not exceed a maximum width of 20 feet;
         (h)   Private driveways shall provide a minimum required landscape separation width of two feet of landscaping between adjacent private driveways;
         (i)   Each dwelling unit shall be limited to one private driveway;
         (j)   Private driveways shall not expand or increase additional parking area over required landscape separations, the sides of the main building, onto common space, side yard, rear yard or front yard setbacks; and
         (k)   The maintenance of residential refuse collection, required landscape separations between private driveways and snow removal of private driveways, guest parking spaces and public sidewalks shall be maintained by the association entitled to the control of the residential development.
      (3)   Curbside service of residential refuse containers shall conform with regulations applicable to city residential refuse collection.
   (B)   Provisions for clear view of intersecting streets and private drive and streets shall conform with regulations applicable to city clear view of intersecting streets.
   (C)   All parking shall conform to city parking regulations and unlawful parking on the public right-of-way, sidewalk, parking strip or curbing is prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 29.26.070) (Ord. 19-12, passed 8-1-2019)