All applications for a permitted use are required to comply with the requirements of this Title, the requirements of the current Building Codes, and the city business license codes (Title XI of this code of ordinances) as adopted and as applicable. A permitted use application shall be reviewed in accordance with the following general standards and criteria.
   (A)   The Community Development Department shall review the permitted use request and determine if the request meets the following requirements:
      (1)   The use is identified as a permitted use within the schedule of uses for the zoning district within which the use is located;
      (2)   The use complies with the requirements for the zoning district with respect to minimum area, setback requirements, height, buffer and landscape standards, maximum coverage, parking, unloading and all other requirements applicable to the district;
      (3)   The use does not have an adverse effect on any sensitive areas, as defined by §§ 156.230 through 156.243 of this chapter;
      (4)   The use complies with all road dedication requirements of the city and provides necessary infrastructure as required by the Brigham City Public Works Standards and/or Utah Department of Transportation; and
      (5)   The use meets all requirements of the Bear River Health Department and State Department of Environmental Quality, as required and applicable.
   (B)   Upon finding that the proposed use, building or structure complies with the standards and requirements of this chapter, the Community Development Director or designee shall issue an approval of zoning. With the receipt of a zoning clearance, the proposed building or structure shall be reviewed for compliance with the city building codes, as adopted. If the request for a permitted use complies with the requirements of this chapter, the current Building Code, as adopted, and the requirements of the Bear River Health Department or the State Department of Environmental Quality, as applicable, the permitted use shall be authorized.
(Prior Code, § 29.06.050) (Ord. 07-13, passed 7-19-2007)