The following regulations and site standards govern the approval and operation of bed and breakfast facilities within residential and commercial zoning districts. Bed and breakfast facilities may be allowed by conditional use permit where the applicant can show evidence of compliance with outlined standards and procedures and where there is a clearly minimal impact on adjacent residential properties and neighborhoods.
   (A)   Requirements for approval.
      (1)   A conditional use permit may be granted by the Planning Commission for a bed and breakfast facility provided that the requirements of this section are met in addition to the requirements of §§ 156.375 through 156.387 of this chapter.
      (2)   The granting of a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast facility shall not exempt the application from meeting other applicable ordinances, covenants, codes or laws recognized by the city. The following pre-conditions and documentation are required.
         (a)   Along with a conditional use application, a letter of application sworn before a notary public shall be provided by the owner(s) stating that such owners or a live-in residential manager, pursuant hereto, will occupy the said facility, except for bonafide temporary absences. Said letter shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder, with a certified copy to accompany the building permit application;
         (b)   The effective period of the conditional use permit for bed and breakfast facilities shall be two years from December 31 of the calendar year of the original permit. At the end of every two years thereafter, renewal of the conditional use permit shall be automatically granted upon receipt of the Community Development Department of certification by the property owner that the property remains the principal residence of the owner or live-in residential manager, pursuant to part division (B)(1) below, and that all other conditions required at the time of approval remain unchanged. Notification shall be sent to the owner for response. Failure to obtain such certification may be the basis for revocation of the conditional use permit. The Planning Commission, at its discretion, may require a new application and a demonstration of compliance with all conditions necessary for a conditional use permit;
         (c)   Building plans or a floor plan (one-fourth inch to the foot) showing the bed and breakfast facility shall be provided; and
         (d)   Plans for proposed signs, showing proposed size, location, materials and appearance of the proposed sign or signs.
   (B)   Development standards and requirements for bed and breakfast facilities.
      (1)   In R-1-20, R-1-12, R-1-10 and R-1-8 Zoning Districts, the bed and breakfast facility shall be occupied by the owner(s) of the property, except for bonafide temporary absences. In all other zoning districts where bed and breakfast facilities are allowed, a live-in residential manager may be permitted at the discretion of the Planning Commission as a condition of approval. In such cases, the bed and breakfast facility shall be occupied by the residential manager except for bonafide temporary absences. A change in ownership will necessitate the request of a new condition use permit.
      (2)   Bed and breakfast facilities in R-1-20, R-1-12, R-1-10, and R-1-8 shall be limited to a maximum of four guest sleeping rooms per dwelling. The maximum number of guest sleeping rooms in bed and breakfast facilities located in other zoning districts shall be determined by the Planning Commission on an individual basis through the conditional use process.
      (3)   In R-1-20, R-1-12, R-1-10 and R-1-8 Zoning Districts, only one bed and breakfast facility shall be allowed per block, unless the Planning Commission determines that extraordinary circumstances warrant a greater number.
      (4)   The bed and breakfast facility shall be located on a parcel of sufficient size to accommodate the structure or structures, the number of people using the facility, parking areas, open space areas and the like.
      (5)   The bed and breakfast facility shall be designed, or existing structure modified, so that to the degree reasonably feasible the appearance of the structure remains as a residential dwelling. Unique architecture is encouraged, where possible, in keeping with the local area.
      (6)   Signage for a bed and breakfast facility shall comply with the sign standards for the district in which the bed and breakfast facility is located. The Planning Commission may also dictate materials and appearance of the sign in order to protect the residential nature of the neighborhood in which the bed and breakfast is located.
      (7)   The development parcel for the bed and breakfast shall include appropriate setbacks, buffering and landscaping to mitigate impacts on adjoining residential properties.
      (8)   Two parking spaces shall be provided for the host family. At least one off-street parking space shall be provided for each guest room in addition to needed parking for owners/employees of the facility. All required parking shall be subject to front yard setback standards for the district in which the bed and breakfast facility is located.
      (9)   The design and size of the bed and breakfast facility shall conform to all applicable Fire, Building and Health Codes. The facility shall be licensed in conformance with all city ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 29.05.240) (Ord. 07-13, passed 7-19-2007)