(A)   It shall be the duty of each veterinarian when vaccinating any animal for rabies to complete a certificate of rabies vaccination, in duplicate, which includes the following information:
      (1)   Owner’s name and address;
      (2)   Description of the animal;
      (3)   Date of vaccination;
      (4)   Rabies vaccination tag number;
      (5)   Type of vaccine administered; and
      (6)   Manufacturer’s serial number of vaccine.
   (B)   A copy of the certificate shall be distributed to the owner of the animal, and original retained by the issuing veterinarian. The veterinarian and the owner shall retain their copies of the certificate for the interval between vaccinations specified in this chapter.
   (C)   Additionally, a metal or durable plastic rabies vaccination tag or rabies identification microchip implanted beneath the skin, serially numbered, shall be securely attached to the collar, implanted microchip or harness of the animal. An animal not wearing such a tag shall be deemed to be unvaccinated and may be impounded and dealt with pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 4.06.030) (Ord. 02-25, passed 8-15-2002)