For those areas identified as an active or potential mapped earthquake fault and landslide areas, development may be permitted by the city upon the review and approval of an engineering geotechnical report (see § 156.241 of this chapter) identifying the following:
   (A)   Accurately identifying the location of earthquake faults and landslide areas;
   (B)   The location and description of proposed changes to the site, including any grading and excavation, vegetation removal, the location and profiles of proposed roadways, the location of proposed utility lines, the location of existing and proposed buildings and structures, and the location of all other proposed site features;
   (C)   The identification of measures and actions proposed to mitigate the risks from earthquake, landslides and soil disturbance including a schedule of the sequence for the installation of planned mitigation actions, including anticipated starting and completion dates; and
   (D)   No critical facility (excluding transportation lines or utilities which by their nature) may cross active faults or structures designed for human occupancy shall be built astride an active fault. No structure designed for human occupancy shall be built on a fault scarp. Footing setbacks from a fault scarp shall meet the requirements of the International Uniform Building Code. The Planning Commission may increase footing setback requirements where information from a geotechnical report indicates a slope condition warrant a greater setback distance.
(Prior Code, § 29.18.100) (Ord. 07-17, passed 8-30-2007)