The following provisions shall apply in this P-R-M-30 District, which district shall also be subject to other provisions of the city code, except where conflict in regulations occur, the regulations specified in this subchapter, or on the development guidelines approved pursuant to this chapter shall apply.
   (A)   Standards for area, coverage, density, yard requirements (setbacks), height regulations, parking, lighting and signage shall be governed by the standards of the R-M-30 District.
   (B)   Standards for public improvements shall be governed by applicable adopted city ordinances and laws including adopted Public Work Standards.
   (C)   (1)   Plantings shall include drought tolerant designs, where appropriate;
      (2)   Missing trees along the Main Street park strip shall be replaced with reasonably identical species; and
      (3)   The landscape and screening plan shall be submitted with the final design and construction plans for Planning Commission review and approval.
   (D)   There shall be provided usable recreation or playground areas outside of the front yard setback, with a total minimum area of 2,000 square feet for three dwelling units, 250 additional square feet for each dwelling unit up to 50 total units, and 125 additional square feet for each dwelling unit above 50. The minimum width and length of any usable recreation or playground area shall not be less than 20 feet unless a trail system is approved as part of the requirement by the Planning Commission. The on-site, above grade storm drainage detention basin may count toward a portion of the recreation area if the applicant provides sufficient evidence that the basin is safe for recreational purposes and usable pertaining to the area, slope and landscape. All recreation and playground areas shall be accessible by all dwelling units within the development. Indoor recreational facilities shall count toward the required square footage. Indoor recreational facilities may include, club rooms, fitness areas, spas, game rooms and other similar facilities approved by the Planning Commission. Pathways within the designated areas may be included in the calculation (sidewalks which border a parking lot and/or buildings and parking lots are not considered recreation area for the purposes of this section).
   (E)   The architecture of the project shall follow the thematic elevations provided in this subchapter. Where unspecified by the thematic elevations, the underlying R-M-30 code shall apply.
   (F)   The fencing plan shall be submitted with the final design and construction plans for Planning Commission review and approval.
   (G)   The elevation requirements shall meet the standards of the image below.
(Prior Code, § 29.16.030) (Ord. 22-22, passed 10-6-2022)