The 747 South Main Street Planned District shall apply to certain properties located within the corporate limits of Brigham City on the east side of Main Street between 700 South and 800 South, specifically as shown in Exhibit “A”, attached to the ordinance codified herein:
   (A)   Zoning district established. P-R-M-30 (Planned Residential Multiple 30);
   (B)   Uses. Uses allowed in the P-R-M-30 District are the same as those allowed in the underlying R-M-30 District; and
   (C)   General Development Plan. The submitted site plan and elevations incorporated as Exhibit “B” shall serve as the general development guidelines for the 747 South Main Street Planned District. Any significant revision to the general development guidelines requires an amendment to this Chapter. The applicable land use application for final design and construction plans shall be submitted for Planning Commission review and approval. The number of units may differ from the submitted site plan based upon site design adjustments and parking requirements, but in no case shall exceed the density per the R-M-30 District.
   (D)   Concept plan/map. The 747 South Main Street Planned District shall be as pictured below, subject to Planning Commission and City Council review and approval.
   (E)   Parcel descriptions/map. The 747 South Main Street Planned District legal description and site maps accompany the following parcel descriptions.
Parcel No. 03-146-0152
LESS: BEG AT SE COR SD LT 01, N89*25`18"W 60.00 FT ALG S/L OF LT 01, N01*02`21"E 51.67 FT,
S88*57`39"E 32.00 FT, N01*02`21"E 237.93 FT, N28*57`39"W 46.66 FT, N61*02`21"E 28.00 FT, S28*57`39"E 54.17 FT TO E/L OF SD LT 01, S01*02`21"W 296.62 FT ALG SD E/L TO POB.
CONT 6.83 AC M/L.
Parcel No. 03-146-0156
BEG AT SE COR OF LT 01 BID PLT E, N89*25`18"W 60.00 FT ALG S/L OF SD LT 01, N01*02`21"E 51.67 FT, S88*57`39"E 32.00 FT, N01*02`21"E 237.93 FT, N28*57`39"W 46.66 FT, N61*02`21"E 28.0 FT, S28*57`39"E 54.17 FT TO E/L OF SD LT 01, S01*02`21"W 296.62 FT ALG SD E/L TO POB. [THIS IS TO CREATE A PRIVATE RD.]
(Prior Code, § 29.16.020) (Ord. 22-22, passed 10-6-2022; Ord. “Exhibit 29.22” passed - -)