Together with the application for rezoning classification, the applicant shall submit the following General Development Plan consisting of documents and supporting evidence, prepared and endorsed by a qualified professional team, as required by the Planning Commission:
   (A)   A sepia map with ten prints of a survey of the property, showing existing features of the property including specimen trees, structures, streets, easements, drainage channels, utility lines and existing land uses;
   (B)   A sepia map with ten prints of a General Development Plan which shall be in reasonable conformance with the approved preliminary plan, showing as appropriate, all the information required on the preliminary development plan; the approximate location and proposed density of dwelling units; non-residential building uses and intensities; and land use considered suitable for adjacent properties;    
   (C)   A schedule for the development of units to be constructed in progression and a description of the design principles for buildings and streetscapes; tabulation of total number of acres in the proposed project and the per cent thereof designated for the various uses; the number of dwelling units proposed by type of dwelling unit of the P District; estimated non-residential population; proposed retail sales area and economic justification; anticipated timing for construction of each unit; and standards for height, open space, building intensity, population density and public improvements proposed for each unit of development whenever the applicant proposes an exception from standard zoning district or other ordinance regulations governing development;
   (D)   Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the land to effectuate the proposed plan;
   (E)   Engineering and other feasibility studies, as necessary; and
   (F)   If the development or plan is to be approved in stages, each stage of development shall be completed prior to proceeding to the next stage, or adequate performance guaranties be posted to ensure completion of each approved stage.
(Prior Code, § 29.15.050) (Ord. 07-13, passed 7-19-2007; Ord. 18-15, passed 10-4-2018)