§ 156.110 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Residential District R-1-40. To provide areas for large-lot residential neighborhoods of essentially rural or estate character. Minimum lot size: 40,000 square feet.
   (B)   Residential District R-1-20. To provide areas for very low density, single-family residential neighborhoods of essentially spacious and uncrowded character. Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet.
   (C)   Residential District R-1-12. To provide areas for low density, single-family residential neighborhoods of spacious and uncrowded character. Minimum lot size: 12,000 square feet.
   (D)   Residential District R-1-10. To provide areas for medium low-density, single-family residential neighborhoods where medium costs of development may occur. Minimum lot size: 10,000 square feet.
   (E)   Residential District R-1-8. To provide areas for medium low-density, single-family residential neighborhoods where low and medium costs of development may occur. Minimum lot size: 8,000 square feet.
   (F)   Residential District R-1-6. To provide areas for medium residential density, single-family residential neighborhoods where low and medium costs of development may occur. Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet.
   (G)   Multiple Residential District R-M-7. To provide areas for medium residential density with the opportunity for varied housing styles and character. Maximum density: seven dwelling units per acre.
   (H)   Multiple Residential District R-M-15. To provide areas for medium residential density with the opportunity for varied housing styles and character. Maximum density: 15 dwelling units per acre.
   (I)   Multiple Residential District R-M-30. To provide areas for high residential density with the opportunity for varied housing styles and character. Maximum density: 30 dwelling units per acre.
(Prior Code, § 29.12.010) (Ord. 07-13, passed 7-19-2007; Ord. 21-16, passed 12-16-2021)