§ 156.085 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Multiple use districts. The purposes of providing a multiple use district are to establish areas in mountain, hillside, canyon, mountain valley, desert and other open and generally undeveloped lands where human habitation would be limited in order to protect land and open space resources; to reduce unreasonable requirements for public utility and service expenditures through uneconomic and unwise dispersal and scatteration of population; to encourage use of the land, where appropriate, for forestry, grazing, agriculture, mining, wildlife habitat and recreation; to avoid excessive damage to watersheds, water pollution, soil erosion, danger from brushland fires, damage to grazing, livestock raising and to wildlife values; and, to promote the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants of the community:
      (1)   MU-40 minimum lot size: 40 acres;
      (2)   MU-80 minimum lot size: 80 acres; and
      (3)   MU-160 minimum lot size: 160 acres.
   (B)   Agricultural districts. To promote and preserve in appropriate areas conditions favorable to agriculture and to maintain greenbelt open spaces. These districts are intended to include activities normally and necessarily related to the conduct of agriculture and to protect the district from the intrusion of uses inimical to the continuance of agricultural activity:
      (1)   A-1 minimum lot size: one acre;
      (2)   A-5 minimum lot size: five acres; and
      (3)   A-20 minimum lot size: 20 acres.
   (C)   Rural residential districts. To promote and preserve in appropriate areas conditions favorable to large-lot family life, the keeping of limited numbers of animals and fowl for personal use and home base agricultural production and reduced requirements for public utilities. These districts are intended to be primarily residential in character and protected from encroachment by commercial and industrial uses:
      (1)   RR-1 minimum lot size: one acre; and
      (2)   RR-5 minimum lot size: five acres.
(Prior Code, § 29.11.010) (Ord. 22-16, passed 8-11-2022)