(A)   No-dedication subdivision. A public utility, as defined by the code, may create a lot required for the purposes of the functioning of the utility by complying with the provisions of this chapter, as applicable. The no-dedication subdivision procedures may apply if the proposed public utility lot and any reminder portion of the original parcel meets the requirements for a no-dedication subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 25.08.100)
   (B)   Standards. A public utility lot:
      (1)   May be a size less than the required minimum lot size by the zoning district, as applicable; provided, no negative impacts or nuisances are created for any adjacent lot, parcel or owner as recommended by the Commission and determined by the Land Use Authority;
      (2)   Both the public utility lot and any remaining portion of the original parcel shall be described as required by the Land Use Authority for recordation in the office of the County Recorder, following the receipt of a recommendation from the Commission;
      (3)   Shall have an internal lot restriction, as defined by the Act, restricting the lot for use by a public utility only; and
      (4)   Shall be provided with a recorded permanent and unimpeded right-of-access, described as required by the Land Use Authority, following the receipt of a Commission recommendation.
(Prior Code, § 25.08.110) (Ord. 20-03, passed 3-19-2020)