(A)   Creation. The City Council hereby creates and establishes a Storm Drain Utility as part of the city’s overall drain system. The Storm Drain Utility shall plan, design, construct, maintain, administer and operate the city’s storm drain system.
   (B)   Enterprise Fund. The City Council hereby establishes a Storm Drain Utility Enterprise Fund to handle all income, expenses and other financial transaction related to the Storm Drain Utility.
      (1)   All Storm Drain Utility service charges shall be deposited in the Enterprise Fund. Money in the Storm Drain Utility Enterprise Fund shall not be commingled with or transferred to other city funds. However, the Storm Drain Utility may pay other city funds for services and expenses directly attributable to the Storm Drain Utility.
      (2)   The Enterprise Fund shall be operated according to state law and city policy.
   (C)   Facilities and assets.
      (1)   The Storm Drain Utility shall operate independently of city operations funded by the General Fund. The Storm Drain Utility shall have the same relationship to the city as other city utilities, such as the electric, water and waste treatment utilities.
      (2)   Upon creation of the utility, all of the city’s storm drain facilities and assets (other than streets and other facilities and assets designated by the city) shall be transferred to the Storm Drain Utility in consideration for the Storm Drain Utility’s agreement to take primary responsibility for planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, administering and operating the city’s storm drain system.
   (D)   Administration. The Storm Drain Utility shall be administered by the city’s Public Works Director. The Public Works Director may adopt policies, to assist in the application, administration and interpretation of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 24.05.040) (Ord. 00-22, passed 6-1-2000; Ord. 20-01, passed 1-2-2020)