§ 94.22 BENEATH.
   No person shall be allowed to keep or use the space beneath the sidewalk lying between lot line and curb line unless a permit therefor shall have been obtained from the City Council. Before any permit shall be granted, the applicant for the permit shall submit plans and specifications of any present or proposed construction to the City Engineer. Should the plans or specifications be disapproved by him, no permit shall be granted therefor. All permits hereafter granted shall continue only upon the condition that the party receiving the same shall build, maintain, and keep in repair a sidewalk over the space used or constructed to be used and pay all damages that may be sustained by any person by reason of the use or by reason of the sidewalk being defective or in a dangerous condition. As a condition precedent to the issuance or continuance of any permit for the use of any space underneath the city sidewalks as herein contemplated, the City Council may require applicant to furnish a bond to the city as obligee for the benefit of any person or persons who may suffer any damage or damages by reason of the use. The bond shall be in the sum as the City Council, in its discretion, may designate.
(1973 Code, § 8-203) Penalty, see § 10.99