Any person wishing to discharge high explosives within the city must secure a permit from the City Council and shall discharge those explosives in conformance with its direction and under its supervision.
(1973 Code, § 7-401) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Permissible fireworks shall mean only those fireworks annually listed and promulgated by the State Fire Marshal in Title 157, Chapter 8 of the Nebraska Administrative Code.
(B) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any fireworks to be used for purpose of public exhibitions or display under authorization of the City Council or to fireworks furnished for agricultural purposes pursuant to written authorization from the State Fire Marshal.
(Neb. RS 17-556, 28-1,241, 28-1,244, and 28-1,245) (1973 Code, § 7-402) (Ord. 604, passed 3-9-1989; Ord. 963, passed 5-14-2020 Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Permitted fireworks may be sold at retail, offered for sale at retail, discharged, exploded, or used within the city, only from June 25 through and including July 4 and from December 29 through and including December 31 of each year; provided it shall be unlawful to discharge, explode or use permissible fireworks on said dates before 9:00 a.m., and after 10:00 p.m., except on July 3 and 4 and December 31 when permissible fireworks may be lawfully discharged, exploded or used between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight.
(B) It shall be unlawful to discharge or sell any illegal fireworks, as defined by state statutes, within the city.
(C) In the event of inclement weather and/or other circumstances which may render the discharge of fireworks on July 4 impossible and/or impracticable, the Mayor and/or City Administrator, and/or his/her designee, may authorize, extend or otherwise modify the dates set forth in division (A) above as deemed appropriate, provided that any said modification conforms to the parameters for discharge promulgated by state statutes.
(1973 Code, § 7-404) (Ord. 761, passed 7-12-2007; Ord. 814, passed 11-10-2010; Ord. 963, passed 5- 14-2020) Penalty, see § 10.99