   It shall be the duty of the Fire Department to investigate, or cause to be investigated, the cause, origin, and circumstances of every fire occurring in the city in which property has been destroyed or damaged in excess of $50. All fires of unknown origin shall be reported, and the officers shall especially make an investigation and report as to whether the fire was the result of carelessness, accident, or design. The investigation shall be begun within two days of the occurrence of the fire and the State Fire Marshal shall have the right to supervise and direct the investigation whenever he or she deems it expedient or necessary. The officer making the investigation of fires occurring within the city shall immediately notify the State Fire Marshal and shall, within one week of the occurrence of the fire, furnish him or her with a written statement of all the facts relating to the cause and origin of the fire, and any further information as he or she may call for.
(Neb. RS 81-506) (1973 Code, § 3-307)
   The Fire Chief, or any officer in charge of the Fire Department, shall have the authority and power to cause the removal of property whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of more valuable property, the protection of human life, or to prevent the spreading of fire to adjoining property. The Fire Chief may direct the city firefighters to remove any building, structure, or fence for the purpose of checking the progress of any fire. The Fire Chief shall have the authority to blow up, or cause to be blown up, with explosives any building or structure during the progress of a fire for the purpose of checking the progress of the same.
(1973 Code, § 7-101)
   It shall be unlawful for any person, during the time of a fire and for a period of 36 hours after its extinguishment, to hinder, resist, or refuse to obey the City Fire Chief, or to act in a noisy or disorderly manner. The Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief shall have the power and authority during that time to arrest or command any such person to assist them in the performance of their official duties.
(Neb. RS 28-908) (1973 Code, § 7-102) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 92.22 EQUIPMENT.
   It shall be unlawful for any person except the Fire Chief and the members of the City Fire Department to molest, destroy, handle, or in any other way to interfere with the use and storage of any of the fire trucks and other apparatus belonging to the city.
(Neb. RS 28-519) (1973 Code, § 7-103) Penalty, see § 10.99