The full-time position of police patrol officer level two will be created. This position is a renaming of the current full-time position of police patrol officer and will have the same duties, responsibilities and compensation as that position, and will perform such duties within the Police Department as assigned by the Police Chief. The position shall be filled in accordance with the village codified ordinances as well as completing an applicable psychological exam, drug test and background check, all at village expense, and R.C. § 737.16 guidelines, and his or her employment as a village police officer shall be in accordance with village codified ordinances, and any applicable Ohio Revised Code guidelines. Said person shall have successfully completed a training program, such as the Ohio Peace Officers’ Basic Training Program recognized by the state and have such certification. Compensation is set by Council as well as all benefits accorded all full-time village personnel. The new hire will serve a six-month probationary period.
(Ord. 44-2006, passed 12-18-2006; Ord. 29-2015, passed 8-17-2015; Ord. 59-2016, passed 12-19-2016; Ord. 93-2017, passed 12-4-2017; Ord. 66-2020, passed 11-16-2020; Ord. 80-2020, passed 12-21-2020; Ord. 59-2021, passed 11-15-2021)