(A) Uniform allowance. There shall be provided for the Chief of Police and each full-time police officer an allowance for police uniforms and related items and equipment in an amount not to exceed $750 per year, effective on January 1 of each year for the Chief and each officer. When appropriate, said allowance shall be prorated for any year in which a full-time officer is hired or achieves full-time status. Each officer shall provide the Village Clerk-Treasurer with applicable invoices and said invoices shall be paid from the Police Car and Equipment Fund.
(B) Part-time officer’s uniform allowance. There shall be provided for each part-time police officer an allowance for police uniforms and related items and equipment in an amount not to exceed $350 per year, effective on January 1 of each year for each part-time officer. Said allowance shall be subject to the completion of the applicable part-time officer’s probationary period as well as at the discretion of the Village Police Chief who shall review and approve any uniform allowance expenditure. Each officer shall provide the Village Clerk-Treasurer with applicable invoices and said invoices shall be paid from the Police Car and Equipment Fund.
(Ord. 11-1970, passed 6-15-1970; Ord. 15-1971, passed 4-13-1971; Ord. 45-1973, passed 9-18-1973; Ord. 25-1974, passed 6-3-1974; Ord. 26-1979, passed 6-18-1979; Ord. 10-1988, passed 4-18-1988; Ord. 11-1989, passed 4-17-1989; Ord. 15-1995, passed 3-20-1995; Ord. 50-2000, passed 12-18-2000; Ord. 56-2005, passed 12-19-2005; Ord. 12-2015, passed 4-20-2015; Ord. 29-2015, passed 8-17-2015; Ord. 59-2016, passed 12-19-2016)