(A)   The village has control and supervision over all trees and shrubs planted upon public properties abutting any street or overhanging all streets or other public properties and rights-of-way. When trees are planted either by the village or by a private citizen with the Tree Board and Village Council’s permission, the trees shall be planted following these guidelines:
      (1)   No street tree shall be planted within 35 feet of any street corner, measured from the point of nearest intersecting curbs or curbline;
      (2)   At least ten feet from driveways and alleys;
      (3)   At least 40 feet on center for all large trees;
      (4)   At least 30 feet on center for all medium trees;
      (5)   At least 25 feet on center for all small trees;
      (6)   At least ten feet from any fire hydrant;
      (7)    A minimum distance of five feet from a water line or curb box, or a gas line, and a minimum distance of ten feet from a sanitary sewer lateral;
      (8)   All deciduous trees at the time of planting on village property or right-of-way shall be cultivated nursery stock with straight trunks not less six feet high and or two-inch caliper;
      (9)   Conifer trees shall not be planted in the right-of-way. Conifer trees may be planted on village
property or in the parks and at the time of planting shall be cultivated nursery stock with straight trunks not less than three feet high;
      (10)   Conifer trees planted on private property must be a minimum of 20 feet from the back of the curb, or the edge of the roadway if no curb exists; and
      (11)   No person or the village shall plant shrubs within 20 feet from the backside of the curb or within the public right-of-way.
   (B)   Anyone wishing to plant trees in the village rights-of-way shall follow the procedure as listed next:
      (1)   A written request for the tree planting is submitted to Village Council The request shall contain the address and location of the proposed planting as well as the type of tree desired. The approved list of trees is available at Village Hall; and
      (2)   Village Council will then submit the request to the Tree Board for its review and recommendation. A certified arborist may be consulted to review the request. Factors that will be considered shall include mature tree height, devil strip width, proximity to utility lines, as well as the factors listed above.
(Ord. 16-2005, passed 4-4-2005; Ord. 25-2021, passed 6-7-2021)