(A)   Load limits.
      (1)   No vehicle, truck, motor bus or trailer having a gross weight of ten tons or over (said weight being the combined weight of the vehicle and the load on said vehicle) shall be parked upon, operated or moved over any public street in the village, except upon a state or Unites States highway.
      (2)   No vehicle, truck, motor bus or trailer having a gross weight of five tons or over shall be parked upon, operated or moved over any alley in the village, except for local deliveries, that is to the premises of abutting said alley, but this exception shall only apply to the premises having no frontage upon a dedicated street; provided however, this prohibition shall not apply to deliveries to local businesses when use of alleys is minimized.
      (3)   In the event it is necessary for any person, firm or corporation to park or operate or cause to be operated any vehicle, truck, trailer or bus weighing within the load therein, in excess of ten tons upon the streets or alleys in the village, such person, firm or corporation, except for vans moving household goods into or out of the village, shall first obtain a permit from the Clerk-Treasurer.
(Ord. 511, passed 1-28-1952; Ord. 23-1993, passed 7-12-1993; Ord. 4-1994, passed 1-17-1994)
   (B)   Trucks. No person shall operate a truck, bus or other vehicle in excess of 5,000 pounds upon the streets and alleys within the village, except state routes, except in the course of local deliveries, and except for the following streets:
Chestnut Street
From the west village limits east to North Wabash (State Route 93)
Elton Road
From the east village limits to the west village limits
East Seventh Street
From the village limits west to South Wabash (State Route 93)
West Seventh Street
From the village limits east to South Wabash (State Route 93)
(Ord. 16-1976, passed 3-15-1976; Ord. 14-1977, passed 3-21-1977) Penalty, see § 70.99