The salaries of the members of Council shall be as set each year. For each absence from regular meetings of the Council, unless authorized by a two- thirds vote of all members thereof, there shall be deducted a sum equal to 2% of the absent Council member’s annual salary. Absence from ten successive meetings shall operate to vacate the seat of the Council member unless such absence is authorized by the Council.
(Ord. 82, passed 11-30-1915; Ord. 104, passed 11-27-1917; Ord. 237, passed 11-26-1935; Ord. 26-1995, passed 5-1-1995; Ord. 05-2013, passed 1-21-2013; Ord. 49-2014, passed 11-17-2014; Ord. 21-2015, passed 7-20-2015; Ord. 21-2015, passed 7-20-2015)