The Village Council, pursuant to R.C. § 743.27 and its authority to set utility rates/schedules, authorizes that village public utilities (water, wastewater, and electric) be provided at no cost (free) when used for municipal or public purposes, including but not limited to the following facilities:
(A) Village Hall;
(B) Fire Department;
(C) North fire station;
(D) Street Department;
(E) Police Department;
(F) Current Electric Department, front building;
(G) Current Electric Department, back building;
(H) Water treatment facility;
(I) North water tower;
(J) South water tower;
(K) Wastewater treatment facility (all buildings);
(L) Wastewater pump station;
(M) Streetlights; and
(N) Future Electric Department building at the substation.
(Res. 40-2022, passed 8-1-2022)