(A)   It is important to remember social media can blur the lines of “on duty” and “off duty.” When an employee self-identifies as, or is otherwise reasonably understood or represented to be a village employee on a social media platform he or she should consider their behavior to be a reflection of the village at all times. Employees are advised that all village related content offered on social media platforms, either on work or personal time, may be evaluated for a reasonable connection to the policies and function of the village. Any content offered that is found to be contrary to the policies of the village, harm or bring disrepute to the village may be grounds for discipline.
   (B)   It is imperative that employees involved in social media activities adhere to all guidelines presented here. Department heads will ultimately be held accountable for all content disseminated by their department’s staff.
   (C)   The following are some additional guidelines for employees related to the professional content sharing.
      (1)   Public servants are held to a higher standard. Always be honest and respectful.
      (2)   Use the guidelines outlined in this policy to determine what content is appropriate to disseminate. If you are unsure, it is always best to seek approval from your supervisor, the Village Administrator or the Village Solicitor.
      (3)   Unless you have prior approval, you are not authorized to speak on behalf of the village or your department, nor represent that you do. Employees will be held accountable for misrepresenting the village on the internet.
      (4)   Refrain from commenting on the work of colleagues in this or other organizations that are outside of your field of expertise. When commenting on your area of expertise, always disclose your professional credentials.
      (5)   When you post to outside networks, consider adding a disclaimer to your post that your views do not necessarily represent the village’s views.
(Ord. 20-2014, passed 5-19-2014)