(A) Be accurate. Before posting content or responding to comments, ensure that the information or response is accurate. Accuracy is critical, because content on social media platforms is extremely visible and can be replicated in multiple locations within minutes.
(B) Correct mistakes. If a mistake or inaccuracy is found, correct the mistake and communicate its subsequent correction clearly and quickly.
(C) Be considerate. Ensure that all communication is professional, respectful and factual. Remember that all content represents the village.
(D) Misrepresentation. Only employees who are authorized to speak on behalf of their respective departments and/or areas of expertise should do so. Concealing or misrepresenting one’s name or affiliation to mask unauthorized, fraudulent, irresponsible or offensive behavior in electronic communications is strictly prohibited.
(E) Protect sensitive or personal information. The village is entrusted with a variety of sensitive and personal information. When sharing content on social media platforms, do not share confidential or personal information. If there is a question as to whether the information is appropriate, consult with the Village Administrator or Village Solicitor.
(F) Avoid advertisements, sponsorships and endorsements. When possible, avoid advertisements, endorsements or sponsorships on social media platforms. Context-sensitive ads may appear on some platforms that do not reflect the views or positions of the village.
(G) Respect copyrights and trademarks. When posting content do not infringe upon copyright or trademark protections.
(H) Use village email addresses and strong passwords. Village email addresses should be used to confirm to users that the content provided is official. Personal email accounts should not be used for official village communications through social media platforms. Strong passwords (letters, numbers and the like) will reduce possible security breaches.
(I) Remember the village restricts the use of village computers to “business only” use, and reserves the right to monitor and review the use of all village computers. All material and information created, sent, saved, reviewed, accessed or stored are the property of the village.
(Ord. 20-2014, passed 5-19-2014)