§ 37.20 GENERAL.
   (A)   At this point and time the village prohibits the use of any village computer or internet connection for personal use. Any use of a village computer is to be confined to that of conducting village business. That said the village realizes as the social media on the internet evolves, there will be instances that official village business may involve the use of said social media sites. The social media policy outlined on the following sections are intended to address that use.
   (B)   As with all technologies, there are challenges inherent to their use. In order to address these challenges the following guidelines have been created to help our employees use social media tools both in and out of the village work day. The village expects all employees who participate in social media on behalf of the village to understand and follow these guidelines. This policy is not intended to be all encompassing. As technologies change, the application of this policy will be evaluated on a case- by-case basis.
(Ord. 20-2014, passed 5-19-2014)