I _________________________, hereby pay over to the Town of Bremen the sum of $____________ to be held by the Town of Bremen to guarantee installation of sidewalk at _________________________________. Installation of the sidewalk will be completed (by), in _____________________. If the sidewalk is installed within the time allowed the funds herein paid shall be returned to ______________________________.
   If the installation is not made within the time allowed, the Town of Bremen shall make the repairs, deduct the cost from the sum held in escrow and pay the balance, if any over to ___________________________.
Dated this ___________________ day of ________________________ 20____
By ______________________________________   ATTEST:
                              By ___________________________________
   The Town of Bremen acknowledges receipt of ___________________ to be held to guarantee performance of above obligation. Dated this _____________________ day of _______________________ 20____.
(Prior Code, Ch. 91)