(A)   All of the provisions of this code shall be in full force and effect two weeks from the date of publication and the filing thereof in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer. All ordinances of a general and permanent nature in force at that time are hereby repealed from and after said date.
   (B)   The repeal of any ordinance by this code shall not affect any suit, proceeding, right, forfeiture or penalty instituted, given, secured or accrued under any ordinance prior to the effective date of this code, but may be prosecuted, enjoyed or recovered as fully as if such ordinance had continued in force.
   (C)   The following types of ordinances are not repealed by this section:
      (1)   Any ordinance relative to the purchase or sale of property;
      (2)   Any ordinance accepting gifts and dedications of real estate;
      (3)   Any ordinance or resolution promising or guaranteeing the payment of money by the town, or authorizing the issuance of bonds of the town, or other evidence of the town’s indebtedness, or any contract or obligation assumed by the town;
      (4)   Any administrative ordinances or resolutions of the Town Council not in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of this code;
      (5)   Any ordinances which are transfer or appropriation ordinances;
      (6)   Any ordinances concerning the annexation or disannexation of territory to or from the town, or binding boundaries of the town;
      (7)   Any ordinances changing or concerning names of streets, or opening or closing streets;
      (8)   Any ordinances which constitute amendments to the zoning map of the town; and
      (9)   Any ordinances accepting, releasing or abandoning easements.
(Prior Code, § 1.03)