(A)   (1)   Any person desiring to organize, operate or maintain a yard or garage sale in any residential area as herein related shall make application at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer for a permit for the operation and maintenance of such sale and shall state, in detail, the full name and address of the persons, firm or group who shall operate the same, the address thereof, the term or duration of said sale, a general description of the items and articles offered for sale and such other information and data as may be pertinent thereto.
      (2)   One copy of each such application shall be forwarded, forthwith, to the Chief of Police or to such officer who may be delegated by the Chief to receive such applications.
   (B)   It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Chief or such officer to investigate such parking, traffic flow and similar or other health and safety aspects of such proposed yard or garage sale and to make such reasonable recommendations or orders as are in the best interests of the public safety of the citizens and the peace and dignity of the residential area, and to approve, disapprove or approve as modified such application, all of which investigation and activity shall be done and accomplished within 48 hours of the receipt of such application.
   (C)   The fee for each such application shall be the sum of $1, which sum shall be paid to the Clerk-Treasurer upon submission of such application.
(Prior Code, § 45.04)
   Related form, see Ch. 112, Appx. A