(If spaces allowed are insufficient, attach additional sheets)
1.)   Name of Organization ____________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
Federal Tax Exempt Number # _____________________________________________________
2.)   Name of Person Preparing Application _______________________________________________
Title or Relationship to Applicant   _________________________________________________
Address                  _________________________________________________
Phone Number               _________________________________________________
3.)   If Applicant is not an individual, list name and addresses of principal Officers and Executives:
Name ___________________________         Name ___________________________
Address _________________________         Address _________________________
________________________________         ________________________________
   Name ___________________________         Name ___________________________
Address _________________________         Address _________________________
________________________________         ________________________________
4.)   Names and addresses of Person or Persons by whom the receipts of such solicitation will be disbursed:
Name ___________________________         Name ___________________________
Address _________________________         Address _________________________
________________________________         ________________________________
5.)   Describe purpose of solicitation: ____________________________________________________
Amount of Funds to be raised (estimate): $ ____________________________________________
Proposed use of disposition of funds raised: ___________________________________________
Will any funds raised by used in the Bremen Community:      Yes ________ No ________
If Yes, to what extent? ____________________________________________________________
6.)   Describe Method of Solicitation: ____________________________________________________
7.)   Name and Address of Person in charge of solicitation:
8.)   Names and Addresses of Persons actually involved in direct solicitation:
__________________________________         __________________________________
__________________________________         __________________________________
__________________________________         __________________________________
   __________________________________         __________________________________
__________________________________         __________________________________
__________________________________         __________________________________
   __________________________________         __________________________________
__________________________________         __________________________________
__________________________________         __________________________________
9.)   Date and Hour of Commencement of Solicitation:
_________________, 20_____ at ________:________ ___ M.
10.)   Date and Hour of Termination of Solicitation:
_________________, 20_____ at ________:________ ___ M.
11.)   Estimated Cost of Solicitation: _____________________________________________________
Do any Solicitors receive compensation?   Yes ________ No ________
If Yes, describe: _________________________________________________________________
12.)   Attachments, to complete Application.
Attach the following:
a.)   Specific Statement of need for funds being solicited.
b.)   Financial Statement for preceding fiscal year showing funds raised, expenses and distributions.
c.)   If not an individual, a certified copy of Resolution of Directors, authorizing the solicitation.
   The undersigned certifies that the foregoing information is true and accurate. Further, the undersigned also certifies that he is authorized to execute this Application on behalf of the Applicant. In addition, if there are any changes in the information furnished, the undersigned will promptly notify the Town prior to beginning solicitations. Any permit granted by the Town of Bremen will not be used or represented as an endorsement by the Town or any Officers of the Town of this organization or the solicitation.
________________________            ________________________
By: __________________
(Prior Code, Ch. 43)