(A)   No person shall directly or indirectly solicit contributions for any purpose by misrepresentation of his or her name, occupation, financial condition, social position, residence or principal place of business, and no person shall make or cause to be made any misstatement, deception or fraud in connection with any solicitation of any contribution for any purpose in the town or in any application or report filed under this chapter.
   (B)   No charitable organization or professional fundraiser soliciting contributions shall use a name, symbol or statement so closely related or similar to that used by another charitable organization or governmental agency that the use thereof would tend to confuse or mislead the public.
   (C)   No charitable organization or professional fundraiser shall solicit funds by the use of statements or materials that would indicate that such funds were being raised for an organization or agency from which such organization or agency explicit permission for the raising of such funds has not been received in accordance with other provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 43.10) Penalty, see § 111.99