(A)   Powers. The Board shall have the power to perform all acts necessary to acquire and develop sites and facilities and to conduct such programs as are generally understood to be park and recreation functions. In addition, the Board shall have all powers and duties listed in I.C. 36-10-3.
(Prior Code, § 17.05)
   (B)   Notice.
      (1)   Prior to exercising the following powers, the Park Board, by any or all of its members, shall present its plans to act at a public meeting of the Town Council after notifying the Clerk-Treasurer to be added to the agenda of the next meeting.
      (2)   Said powers shall include:
         (a)   To issue bonds and levy a special tax as described in I.C. 36-10-3-24 and 36-10-3-27;
         (b)   To acquire and dispose of real and personal property, either within or outside the state;
         (c)   To exercise the power of eminent domain;
         (d)   To sell, lease or enter into a royalty contract for the natural or mineral resources of land dedicated to the town’s park system;
         (e)   To release and transfer, by resolution, a whole or any part of the real estate dedicated to the town’s park system to the park authorities of another unit for park and recreational purposes upon petition of the park or recreation board of the acquiring unit;
         (f)   To establish standards and qualifications for the appointment of all personnel and approve their appointments without regard to politics; and
         (g)   To appoint, hire and retain the necessary administrative officers and personnel of the Department and fix their duties.
(Ord. 8-2020, passed - -)